Misurata_ The Government of National Unity (GNU) is committed to supporting the youth in all regions of Libya and holds high their role in the country’s development and its bright future, PM Abdulhamid Dbeibeh told a gathering in Misurata city on Saturday. He also criticized his Interior Minister for latest controversial statements.
“The government is implementing initiatives to enhance the youths’ capabilities and enable them to participate effectively in many sectors,” he told the over 600 young people who came from various parts of Libya.
He pointed out that this support was embodied in the establishment of youth councils in municipalities and the “parliament for youth” with aim to involve them in decision-making and developing policies that serve their interests.

Dbeibeh answered questions from the crowded hall during the final session on the gathering, which lasted for three days saying that his government supports holding elections and a referendum on them, stressing his rejection of military rule.
Commenting on the latest controversy caused by statements made by his Minister of Interior Imad al-Tarabulsi regarding the creation of a morality police that would enforce social values and traditions, Mr. Dbeibeh played down those statements saying: “Tarabulsi was a militia leader who has become the Minister of Interior maintaining security”.
“He let loose a bit of chatter and started a storm by talking about the veil”. “Nothing will be implemented except what is stated in the law establishing the Public Morals Administration,” Dbeibeh added.
He continued: “We gave ranks to our sons from the militia leaders and rehabilitee them, after we found that their goal is to defend the country and fight crime, though we need ten years for these forces to return to their bases.”
Amnesty International and other organizations outside and inside Libya voiced concern regarding Tarabulsi’s statements. Social media in Libya were divided between those who supported the call for restricted behavior among citizens in the face of the so-called “western liberal onslaught”, and those who considered the call was not to the point and there are other important problems faced by the country that should be given more attention.

Dbeibeh said “we are a conservative society, and this conservatism came from every Libyan home and mother, and not by whipping or fear.”
“We are against those who try to spoil public taste or public morals, and we will not activate the police for the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice, and we are fighting those who practice black magic, sorcery and those who corrupt us with evils and witchcraft.”
The gathering included workshops and discussion sessions that addressed important topics such as entrepreneurship, innovation, the role of youth in national reconciliation, education challenges, and job opportunities.
One of the highlights of the gathering was a march in the center of the city of Misurata in support of the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation and the Israeli genocide in Gaza. The marchers raised the slogan “Palestine is our cause… We will not forget and we will not give up”. They cheered and glorified the Palestinian struggle and the sacrifices of their brothers in Palestine. They also underlined their commitment to Islamic principles and values.